Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Twas the Night Before a Persecuted Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a person was sleeping, not even a mouse.
The Bible tucked under the floor boards with care, in hopes that the government wouldn't find it there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of soldiers yeilded in their heads.
And Mama on her knees, and I in my praise, were just settling in for a long winter's phase.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew in rush, what I saw made my face flutter and flush.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, gave the lustre of midday to guns below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a few soldiers in all their gear.
With a strong Commander, so sinister and dark, I knew in a moment they were here to make their mark.

More rapid than eagles, they each louded their gun, and he shouted a command as if it were fun:
"Now Papa! Now Mama! Now children in bed! Come out of the house or we will fill it with lead!
You read, you pray, you sing praise to your God each day! Can your God save you when you decided to stay?"

They broke down the door as Mama started to cry, and searched the house for what they called, "A lie".
So through our wailing, and fear they flew, with their boots kicking as their anger grew.
And then, in a prayer, I heard a voice declare, "Do not worry My child, I am here."
As we wondered in bewilderment, "Is this the last we will be together?" The Commander pulled out what he called, a tether.

He tore through the house in a rage so indignantly, and his face twisted with its own terror repugnantly.
An Order in his hands to find something tangible, he looked as if he may get a penalty unmanageable.

His eyes-how they feared! His lips, how pursed! His hands were in fists, his heart was cursed.
He could find nothing to back his Order, and his heart softened as we weeped in the corner.

He went down on one knee as his face began to glow, and asked how his sin could be as white as the snow.
The privates all puzzled at their Commander's actions, turned their guns on him with strong factions.

His droll little mouth was smiling from ear to ear, as his heart was lightened and he lost all fear.
The family now had a new member to hold, and they huddled together as the Spirit made them bold.
They held hands and sang a praise to Christ up above, and the Commander cried as they showed him God's love.

The soldiers confused and scared for themselves, brought them to the front lawn and lined them up inspite of themselves.
A heart full of joy and the Word we were fed, we knew in a moment we had nothing to dread.

Our backs were turned towards the night stars, and we could sense the confused soldiers from afar.
As the night grew longer on the new fallen snow, we heard boots crunching away and our faces were all aglow.

The Commander, Mama, my children and I, stood on our feet and gave out a sigh.
A Christmas miracle we had beheld this night, as we walked in the house and out of sight,
the Commander exclaimed, with a leap in his heart,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

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