Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Skool's out for Summer

The one thing that I have noticed from all the forums, hs groups, and people I've talked to is that homeschoolers don't take the summer off. Sure we may put some textbooks, or heavy reading away but learning continues. More and more parents are pointing out learning opportunities for their children in everyday living. Children in school often really do take the summer off to the fullest extent. Homeschoolers will go on hikes, bike rides, read, research, visit planetariums, or take their star gazing to a field somewhere. Our children love to learn or learn to love. They don't even know they are learning some of the time and yet they are. For example: My eldest found a centipede in his room. He caught it in a jar and did research on this type of centipede for an hour before letting it go in our yard where earwigs are prominant. Apparently he had discovered it likes to eat earwigs and he wanted to find it an appropriate habitat. I didn't do anything but the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while he informed me of the information he had found. So, whether they are looking up crazyfrog and how it all began or playing civilization on the computer, he is learning. A few weeks ago he had an 'in school' friend over for a sleep over and I was watching how the Roman army was formed on the civilization channel when his friend said, 'oh no, turn it off, I don't want to be educated on my summer vacation.' My ds laughed and said, 'this isn't school work, this is interesting.' That's when I laughed. They learn without even knowing it and they love it. So, as September approaches and textbooks are purchased and library's are visited once again, remember, we are giving our children the best education possible and give yourselves a pat on the back as you start your 'official' school year! Happy Homeschooling, Jen

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